The eight essentials of an effective painting maintenance plan

 Painting a multi-storey building, such as a residential apartment block, is a substantial investment.

 Ensuring you get the best return on that investment eventually comes down to maintenance (also known as estate upkeep works).

 In this article, we’ll dive into eight essentials – including the importance of cleaning and how colour choice can be critical to paint durability.

 We’ll also explore challenges such as efflorescence, water damage, rust, and how a maintenance plan – such as that offered by Grant Painters, can yield long-term savings.

 Colour and durability

 Choice of colour isn’t just a matter of aesthetics. It plays a substantial role in the longevity of exterior paintwork.

 Darker colours tend to absorb more heat, which can lead to faster deterioration due to thermal expansion and contraction. Lighter colours meanwhile reflect more sunlight and heat, reducing the impact of changes in temperature.

 Selecting the right paint colour for the building’s environment can extend the life of the paint.

 Regular cleaning removes damaging residue

 An often overlooked factor by many homeowners is that residue, dirt and pollutants can trigger premature peeling of paint and fading.  

 This is especially evident in coastal locations., Salt, humidity and airborne particles are constantly attacking and eroding the surface of the paint.

 Apartment blocks make up a large proportion of waterfront homes, requiring specialist access equipment as well as experience with various cleaning methods including correct pressures when employing power washing.

Efflorescence and remediation

 Efflorescence is a white powdery substance that forms on the surface of masonry due to migration of soluable salts to the surface.

 Not only does it look unsightly, it also indicates underlying moisture issues.

 Finding the source of the water infiltration is key to rectifying the problem. Proper sealing and drainage improvements are all part of the solution.

 Benefits of regular maintenance and what we offer

 Addressing issues promptly can minimise the need for extensive repairs or premature repainting.

 When creating a painting maintenance checklist, consider the following:

 Regular inspections: Preventative maintenance, with work carried out in small increments, is far less disruptive than major repairs or repainting   

  1. Cleaning: The impact of salt, water, sunlight, mould and mildew cannot be understated, which is why regular washing is so important   
  2. Repair: Promptly address cracks, peeling/blistering paint and rust spots before they go on to cause structural damage
  3. Efflorescence management: Addressing underlying issues is vital here. Before repainting it is essential to remove efflorescence deposits from the surface. After cleaning, the surface should be neutralised to prevent the reactivation of salts.      
  4. Waterproofing: Learn more here from our blog on waterproofing
  5. Appropriate paint selection: It’s not just about choosing high-quality paint, although that;s important. It’s also about appropriate colour selection
  6. Professional expertise: Engage professionals for complex repairs and renovations
  7. Record keeping: Maintain detailed records, including dates of inspections and photos of all work carried out for reference

 Grant Painters offers a range of cost-effective maintenance plans. Get in touch to find out more.