When it comes to home improvements, the words: “Come up and see the new waterproofing on the roof” has probably never been uttered in the course of human history!

That doesn’t mean however the idea should be tossed aside like last year’s kitchen tile designs – or paisley wallpaper.

With extra heavy rainfalls sorely testing roofs throughout much of the eastern seaboard in recent years, a lot of Body Corporates have been discovering the value of preventative maintenance.  

Around 2.5 million Australians now live in apartments, and around half a million of those in high-rise blocks – so it’s a growing area of concern within the construction industry.     

Read on to find out more, and how we can help.


What do I do if my ceiling is leaking water from my apartment?

Waterproofing is the one of most common building defects for Australian apartment buildings. 

Generally a leak is due to either a plumbing problem, such as a damaged pipe. Alternatively there could be an issue with you roof, or an improperly sealed window.

Aside from mouldy walls, carpets and ceilings, leaky roofs can cause myriad structural issues (as well as costly remedies) down the track.

As a licensed waterproofer, Grant Painters has a lot of experience in locating and fixing exterior rooftop leaks in multi-storey blocks.

A case study:

Grant Painters was recently called in to repair the leaking roof of a waterfront apartment block on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast. The section of roof under question had been fitted with a false timber floor. While it looked great, it was unfortunately helping to mask signs of water damage going on below.

The floor was removed, allowing us to determine the extent of the problem.

Patches of the previous coating on the concrete were soft to the touch. When we cut around these irregular areas, we discovered that water was becoming trapped under the coating and pooling in  unlevel sections of the roof.      

We carefully removed all flaking coatings previously applied, as well as thoroughly cleaned the surface of dust, grease and previously laid glues.

We used vinyl floor stripper to pull up the previous coating, and then crossed the entire area with a diamond grinder to eliminate all remaining and inconsistencies in the surface.

Waterproofing the joints

Roofs usually leak where they connect with the building, so sealing the join between the walls and the roof stops one of the major sources of water ingress.

In this case, we placed a fibreglass bandage (a self-adhesive membrane) over the joins before proceeding with a four-step recoating system over the entire roof.

After applying a primer, we used  , we used a WPA 560 a two-part water-based expoxy primer. Designed as a water and vapour-proof coating under waterproofing membranes, it contains levelling compounds and has excellent adhesion to building substrates including concrete. Note: after the 560 is laid down, the next coat has to be applied within 24 hours.

The surface was then coated in a WPA 230UV stable waterproofing membrane.

As the roof is an entertainment area, we opted to use a non-slip coating as the final coating.

 Telltale signs of a water leak in the roof

  • Look out for rust. Stains can bleed through concrete
  • Peeling paint in both exterior and interior locations – such as a ceiling
  • Mould on ceilings and walls
  • Blistering and Bubbles on the paintwork of exterior walls. These can literally take on the appearance of a water-filled balloon
  • Cracking on the exterior masonry


Regular maintenance is key to preventing leaks

Waterproofing membranes don’t last forever, with manufacturer warranties generally expiring after a period of 10 years.

Regular inspections are therefore essential.

Grant Painters offers a maintenance program to assist the longevity of the waterproofing membranes we apply. This include a regular washing schedule – which is particularly important if your apartment is located near the ocean.

If you keep potted plants on your roof, be mindful of any soil spilling out from holes at the bottom of the pot, as the debris can encourage the pooling of water – as well as stain the paint  

Get in touch

We have branches in Townsville, Mackay, Brisbane/Sunshine Coast and Adelaide.  Please get in touch with your local branch directly or contact us at admin@grantpainters.com.au